Civil Practice
Nicol-Wilson and Co litigates Civil Claims and Disputes in all domestic Courts in Sierra Leone including the Fast Track Commercial Court.
In addition to litigation we provide the following alternative services:
- Mediating Civil Claims and Disputes
- Negotiating Civil Claims and Disputes
- Arbitrating Civil Claims and Disputes
Other Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms required by our Clients We provide the above mentioned services in addition to litigation due to the increase in the number of Civil Claims and Disputes in our Courts; the delays in dealing with such claims as well as the Cost involved.
Our clients are assured of confidentiality in the pursuits of their claims or in the resolution of their Disputes whether within the formal Justice system or through Alternative Dispute resolution Mechanisms.

- Research, Advice and Opinion on Legal, Judicial and Human Rights issues and institutions in Sierra Leone including the Office of the Ombudsman, the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Human Rights Commission, the Formal and informal Courts, the Police, the Prisons and Civil Society and Human Rights Groups.
- Research, Advice and Opinion on International Trade issues, Trade Policy Analysis, Regional and Multilateral Trade Issues.
- Legal Research and Training including Training of Paralegals and Civil Society Groups.
- Human Rights Research and Training including training of Law Enforcement and Public Officials in Human Rights Standards.
- Development of Law and Human Rights related Handbooks and Manuals.
- Legal Research, Opinion and Advice on Legal Aid, Public Defence and Constitutionalism.
- Legal and Rights related Assessments, Feasibility Studies, Scoping Studies and Surveys.
- Legal Advice and opinion on Public International Law including International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Justice, International Criminal Tribunals, Internationalized Criminal Tribunals, International Human Rights Law, International Criminal Evidence and Procedure.
- Legal opinion on Bills, Legislations and other instruments

Criminal Defence and Prosecution
- Criminal Defence at International and Internationalized Criminal Tribunals, including the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the International Criminal Court.
- Criminal Defence in Domestic Courts of Sierra Leone for serious crimes, including Economic Crimes, Corruption Offences, Political Offences and Capital Offences.
- Criminal Prosecutions in Domestic Courts in Sierra Leone for serious crimes including Economic and White Collar Crimes and Fraud.

- Legal Advice and Opinion on the Laws of Sierra Leone relating to Business Investments, Petroleum Exploration, Oil and Gas, Taxation, Banking, Mining, shipping and Maritime matters, Telecommunication and Employment.
- Legal Advice and Opinion on International Trade Issues, Trade Policy Analysis, Regional and Multilateral Trade issues and general International Trade Law.
- Legal Advice and Opinion on the Laws of Sierra Leone relating to Business Immigration, Information Technology and Insurance.
- Preparation of Conveyances, Wills, Tenancy, Lease Agreements and other deeds.
- Setting up of Companies, Partnerships and other Business Entities.
- Preparation of all other forms of Agreements.
- Legal Advice and Opinion on Agreements.
- Legal Retainerships for Business entities, Intergovernmental and Non-governmental Institutions and Charities.
- Estate and Property Management.
- Civil Liberties and Human Rights