- Research, Advice and Opinion on Legal, Judicial and Human Rights issues and institutions in Sierra Leone including the Office of the Ombudsman, the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Human Rights Commission, the Formal and informal Courts, the Police, the Prisons and Civil Society and Human Rights Groups.
- Research, Advice and Opinion on International Trade issues, Trade Policy Analysis, Regional and Multilateral Trade Issues.
- Legal Research and Training including Training of Paralegals and Civil Society Groups.
- Human Rights Research and Training including training of Law Enforcement and Public Officials in Human Rights Standards.
- Development of Law and Human Rights related Handbooks and Manuals.
- Legal Research, Opinion and Advice on Legal Aid, Public Defence and Constitutionalism.
- Legal and Rights related Assessments, Feasibility Studies, Scoping Studies and Surveys.
- Legal Advice and opinion on Public International Law including International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Justice, International Criminal Tribunals, Internationalized Criminal Tribunals, International Human Rights Law, International Criminal Evidence and Procedure.
- Legal opinion on Bills, Legislations and other instruments